we funk industrial architecture

who’s wilma?

wilma is a dynamic team of architects with international design talent seeking to push the technical limits of out-of-the-ordinary designs. You can count on it, these international architects will question your questions, to fully understand your architectural needs. Warning! A wilma architect squeezes every drop out of the industrial design and the technical feasibility, within the budget.

and what about wastiau?

wastiau’s DNA stems from the world of industrial construction, which is palpable in its corporate structure. The wastiau architects have years of technical knowledge and expansive experience under the belt. The wilma wastiau combo = technical experienced architects combined with relevant creators. It is indeed a perfect match for you as our client. It takes two to tango!

if you obey all the rules, you miss all the funk

the values

#1 hands-on, no blah blah

wilma wastiau builds swiftly and efficiently, without the blah blah. Indeed, it is all about forward momentum, being hands-on, ready to jump into the trenches along with you, as building owner, boots and all. 

#2 not just a box, but relevant creations

As a dynamic architect team it is our duty to think & design out of the box in a box architecture field.’ The wilma wastiau architects create relevant, eye-catching architecture without compromising on functionality, responsible economic feasibility and added aesthetic value for you and the surroundings.

#3 ambitious, no more, no less

Yep. The wilma wastiau architects are on a never-ending quest to do better, with greater relevance, no-nonsense and hands-on, that is the ambition. No more, no less.

#4 loyally reliable & stubbornly flexible

The customer is always right = our creed, not just empty words. Be assured. This team of architects is stubborn and confident enough to forge its own path while at the same time adapting to your wishes with all the flexibility of an octopus. 

#5 technical creativity = win-win!

Win-win! The combination of wilma and wastiau, relevant creative versus technically experienced, has a strengthening effect and creates a leverage effect within the company. A surplus for you a as client. Let's funk together!

Funk is fun. Funk is a state of mind.
As in, wastiau & wilma ...
as in wilma wastiau & the client
united - combined, joined, in agreement or harmony
the building & the environment
no nonsense
the architectural heritage for future generations
killer architecture

'wilma wastiau thinks & designs out of the box in a box architecture field. the wilma wastiau architects create relevant, eye-catching industrial architecture without compromising on functionality, responsible economic feasibility and added aesthetic value for you, as client, and the surroundings.'

may the funk be with you!


phone - 014 26 47 01


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Jeroen Verrecht
Paul D'Haese
Peter Demaerel
Stijn Bollaert
Fauve Snauwaert

Marco Ramo
Martijn Kort
Jan Boons

Copyright © 2022 wilma wastiau